

St. George Food Distributors is a family-owned and operated company with 25+ years of customer satisfaction under its belt. We source premium quality produce from the Sydney Markets and local farmers, offering fresh fruit and vegetables, dry/frozen foodstuff, dairy and chilled goods to a variety of customers including clubs, cafés, restaurants, and more. Our commitment to quality ensures that we provide only the freshest of products daily while maintaining flexibility in deliveries to most Sydney Suburbs and nearby regions. With our dedication to the needs of each customer, you’re sure to be fully satisfied every time you shop with us! 


If you’re an owner of a café, you’ll know the importance of serving quality, fresh foods to your customers. That’s where we come in.


Keep your restaurant customers happy and their tummy’s full of delicious food from local suppliers, delivered by St. George Food Distributors.


Kids can be hard to please, but with St. George Food Distributors, you’ll have high quality, fresh and frozen foods delivered to your school.


Nothing beats a great pub meal, but that meal is only as good as the food that’s being served! With St. George Food Distributors it’s always high quality.


Beat the busy period by ensuring you always have high quality fresh food in stock at your club, thanks to St. George Food Distributors.


Beat the competition with quality food, delivered for your food truck by St. George Food Distributors across the Sydney region.